Here is Ethan with "Paul Bunyan", "Brandy", Baby and Gilly pumpkins.
He almost looks like he is sleeping but he just doesn't like to open his eyes outside.
And my favorite, he just looks so happy!
Update for all of you. We are fairly certain now that Ethan has colic. It is one of those things that noone talks about when you are pregnant. I think for the hope that it doesn't happen to you. It is not fun at all. I think I not have a hearing lose in both ears. He has one powerful cry. He and his big sister have the same lungs. We may have to sound proof our house just to spare the neighbors. We have tried the gripe water and the Mycolin and nothing works. So I have resigned myself to the next 2-3 months of fun and try my best to ignore it. We have accepted that we cannot do anything about it so we are just trying to stay sane. Since he is so much fun, we will be driving to NY for Christmas. There is no way I could subject the people on the plane to his lung capacity. Thank you all for you support and words of encouragement. Thank goodness this is our first and last. I don't think I could willingly do this again! (He is cute though!)