He kicks and moves around a lot. It's a bit like having an alien inside. You can see him moving. I didn't know babies were so active! It is now our evening event to watch the show after dinner.
I am doing good, I was having some stomach ulcer problems but my doctor has okay'd my medicine so it shouldn't be a problem anymore. We did have a scare with some abdominal pain but they hooked me up to the heatbeat and contraction monitors and decided it was just stomach problems. The doctors all say Ethan looks good and is healthy.
Next month is my diabetes screening, I get to drink a bottle of glowing orange juice. I am not sure what it is but I have a feeling it is not going to be very tasty. Next month, I get to start going to the doctor every 2 weeks.
I am so happy to have 2 weeks left in the 2nd trimester. The doctor also says that my weight gain should slow down and it will pretty much be all baby weight after that. I am not having my back pains now that I am not traveling and I don't have any more events. I don't think airlines seats or hotel ballroom seats work well for supporting the back. Since I have been home, the pain is gone. But Kevin has made this coorelation as well and I won't be able to go to NY for the summer :( I have finally given in to the fact that I won't be very comfortable, even at home in my own bed in August.
Other than that, everything is going well. My doctor doesn't have any concerns and says everything is going well. I was trying to get a C-cection but my doctor has advised me not to volunteer for the surgery. So it looks like I am going natural - with drugs of course.
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